Bacxitium Care ApS

F 5000

Bacxitium was founded in 2020 with a mission to improve anmal health, make everyday life easier for everyone responsible for animal health and offer a completely new generation of environmental firendly products and thus contribute to the green transition. We continue to work on that every day

Our founder team has a background in pharma and the medical device industry and with that knowledge we contribute innovation to animal care in collaboration with animal owners, vetenerians and other veterinary experts. Our team today consists of experts in animal health and product development, and we strive for a constant improvement of our products and thus meet the needs of our customers in a busy everyday life.

We want to create partnerships and collaborations with organizations, veterinarians and pet owners around the world to ensure that our products reach those who need them most. We already cooperate with and support a large number of organizations that have the same mission as , namely to ensure better animal health.

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