Alulette Dyrehøj
M 9982
Since 1994, Alulette has supplied riding track equipment and jumping materials to the horse industry. A few years later, Dyrehøj Trailer Center was added, and is today Funen's largest Böckmann Center.Alulette & Dyrehøj's range is aimed at the entire horse industry, regardless of horse breed.In addition to our huge range of jumping materials, including our popular aluminum jump stands and vings, and our soft poles and Cavaletti blocks, the range also consists of accessories for the dressage arena, including dressage fences and letters cones.
14 post
latest from 5. March 2025
J 7265
1 post
latest from 13. January 2025
AU Viborg
J 7104
På AU Viborg – Danmarks grønne campus – kommer du helt tæt på alt det, din uddannelse handler om. I efteråret 2024 åbner vi tre nye uddannelser i Dyrevidenskab, Plante- og fødevarevidenskab og Veterinærmedicin, hvor du fra dag et er omgivet af dyr, planter og andre unge, der deler din interesse for en bæredygtig fremtid og for sundhed og velfærd for mennesker og dyr.Læs om AU Viborg og de nye uddannelser på
6 post
latest from 15. February 2024
M 9970
M 9970
Cavaleros Denmark
J 7180
Cavaleros Denmark is an innovative Danish brand that sets itself apart from other brands in many ways. They develop clothing and equipment with innovative solutions and features. One of their notable products is riding pants with lumbar support and water-repellent riding pants that are used worldwide. They are also the creators of WAVE RLT, which is sold through a large network of dealers both domestically and internationally.Most recently, they have developed a new type of bridle - the MAGNETIC THERAPY BRIDLE - which is the world's first bridle with built-in magnetic therapy. The response to this product has been tremendous, and it is in hig
19 post
latest from 22. January 2024
J 7190
At our stand there will be the opportunity to have a good chat and advice from our nice and skilled employees.Psyllium for horsesWe work a lot with flea seed husks (Psyllium husk) for horses. We have flea seed shells in several different versions: the regular shells, 2 variants in pellets and coated flea seed shells in 3 flavours.So here you will find flea seed shells for every need, also for the picky horse.Free samplesAs always, we have free samples. Get hold of our staff and have a chat about the different varieties of our flea seed shells and get samples to take home. Then you and the horse can find out which flea seed shells your horse l
1 post
latest from 27. February 2024
F 5268
1 post
latest from 18. January 2024
Dansk HesteTandpleje Union
K 8360
Equine Dental Technicians.
3 post
latest from 6. March 2024
Equine LTS ApS
F 5118
Equine LTS is an innovative company that develops and produces LED light therapy products, based on NASA's LLLT (Low-level laser therapy).The company was the first and leader on the market to purposefully develop and produce products for the healing of injuries in horses at all levels. This with great success and the company now has extensive exports to the entire world.Many of the world's top riders have noticed the high quality of the products and can be found among the company's brand ambassadors - e.g. , Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, Lottie Fry and others.Equine LTS is produced and developed in Denmark.
4 post
latest from 27. February 2024
F 5120
At Equinics we are dedicated to speciality products for training healthy horses and rehabilitating injured horses. In our webshop you can find everything for a healthy and fit horse!We offer an extensive range of training and therapy products and many other health, care and supplement products for your horse. Your horse's well-being comes first!What do we bring to Horse & Rider? We can't possibly bring all our products, so we've decided to include our bestsellers in the Training Tools and Therapy Products categories!For example, you'll find - Hidez compression products- Novafon vibration therapy- Hylofit and Polar heart rate monitors for the
14 post
latest from 11. February 2025
F 5130
Welcome to Equinous-MindStay ConnectedMental training, education, events and lectures designed to ambitious riders with the purpose to help them succeed in balance and harmoni with their horseMy name is Sophie LjørringI am a professionel Mindjuice Mastercoach, dressage rider, founder and owner of Equinous-MindThrough powerfull coaching and education, I guide you to find your unique way in designing a strong strong empathetic collaboration with your horseI transform young ambitious riders in to being the empathic leaders of the future in the equestrian world.Riders of the future is young riders with a strong self-understanding and self confi
F 5370
Equipage In Balance / Claudette HolmI have worked with horses and riders since 2003, - with a focus on the nervous system in particular since 2018, as I see the nervous system as a very important player physically as well as mentally. In addition to working as a Body Therapist and teacher within Centered Riding, I also work with CWB hair cell tests, Mental and Behavioral Training/Coaching for and with both horses and riders as well as Trauma Therapy and most recently also with Functional NeuroTherapy - and have helped many equipages at all levels with these tools, - from picnic/relaxation plan to FEI level. In 2024, the EIB Method saw the lig