AU Viborg
J 7104
På AU Viborg – Danmarks grønne campus – kommer du helt tæt på alt det, din uddannelse handler om. I efteråret 2024 åbner vi tre nye uddannelser i Dyrevidenskab, Plante- og fødevarevidenskab og Veterinærmedicin, hvor du fra dag et er omgivet af dyr, planter og andre unge, der deler din interesse for en bæredygtig fremtid og for sundhed og velfærd for mennesker og dyr.Læs om AU Viborg og de nye uddannelser på
6 post
latest from 15. February 2024
F 5268
1 post
latest from 18. January 2024
Dansk HesteTandpleje Union
K 8360
Equine Dental Technicians.
3 post
latest from 6. March 2024
Equine LTS ApS
F 5118
Equine LTS is an innovative company that develops and produces LED light therapy products, based on NASA's LLLT (Low-level laser therapy).The company was the first and leader on the market to purposefully develop and produce products for the healing of injuries in horses at all levels. This with great success and the company now has extensive exports to the entire world.Many of the world's top riders have noticed the high quality of the products and can be found among the company's brand ambassadors - e.g. , Cathrine Laudrup-Dufour, Lottie Fry and others.Equine LTS is produced and developed in Denmark.
4 post
latest from 27. February 2024
Euro Hingste Sæd
L 9366 ApS
M 9852
Hesselhoej is a top modern EU approved stallion station that focuses on dressage. We have a wide selection of stallions and provide competent advice on breeding that suits your needs and breeding goals. Hesselhøj is also a stud farm and has bred everything from premium stallions, UVM and championship winners, medal mares and auction winners. In 2025, we can present our largest collection of stallions ever, so come by and see the stallions and have a chat about them - hear more about foal guarantee, delivery of semen, stallions on frost, etc. We also hold competitions from the stand and you can meet the extremely well-known and talented rider
13 post
latest from 27. February 2025
Hestens Værn
F 5240
Horse Choice
F 5278
Horse Choice is a company selling horse feeds, supplements, care products, stable equipment, customized equipment and magnetic field therapy from high end brands like Connolly's RED MILLS, Foran Equine, Minerals by Nordic, HOFMAG, BEMER, One Equestrian and Torpol.
K 8230
1 post
latest from 4. December 2023
Ifeed Danmark v/Mogens Bek
F 5278
M 9900
K 8106
4 post
latest from 21. January 2025